We’re really pleased to be able to offer our normal care again!

Things are a little different - Everyone needs to be screened for symptoms before we can make them an appointment. This happens again just before you enter. It is REALLY important that you answer these questions carefully. It does mean that through Winter we will need to delay treatment for anyone with a cold etc, but we this is something we do anyway it’s just that it needs to be more strict now.

When you arrive for your appointment, we’ll get you to call us, but stay in your car until we're ready to get you through. Our forms have moved to online versions, and on top of our normal very high standards of cross infection control there is an anti viral mouthwash.

I’ve tried not to wince too much seeing not just members of the public, but health professionals too, wearing and using PPE incorrectly. It has made us realise that dentists are actually expert at infection control, and that infection control isn’t as straight forward as people think. We use universal precautions -this means we treat everyone as though they are infectious.